15 SEP Test house marks milestone for Arctic construction research project The opening of DTU’s test house in Nuuk marks a milestone in the largest Danish construction research project in the Arctic Byggematerialer Bygningsdesign Bygningskonstruktion Indeklima
07 SEP Test house for new construction principles in the Arctic DTU is opening a test house in Nuuk to test new structures, and to find out whether a covered patio area is attractive for homes in the Arctic.
23 JUN Exam with VR glasses improves design Digital design of constructions and examinations with VR glasses reveal early weaknesses and challenges in construction processes. Bygningsdesign Byggeproduktion og byggeledelse Cybersikkerhed
30 APR Boards and insulation of fungi can become new building materials Fungi grown on residual waste from hemp or cotton can become an alternative to mineral insulation and wood-based boards. Byggematerialer Brandteknik og brandsikkerhed
07 FEB Arctic DTU attracts international students Arctic DTU Campus Sisimiut attracts international students for Arctic Semester and challenges of extreme engineering. Polarforskning Kortlægning og opmåling Isforskning Geologi Byggeri Byggematerialer Bygningsdesign Bygningskonstruktion
24 JAN Energy for future heating systems can be stored in salt Solar thermal collectors, combined with the storage of energy in salt batteries, can cover 71 percent of the heating demand in houses. Energiteknologi Elforsyning Energilagring Energiproduktion Solenergi Vindenergi
20 MAJ Urban planning in the Arctic – how to plan for the extreme? PhD student Jennifer Fiebig researches in urban planning in the Arctic by examining snowdrift – through fieldwork and with substitute materials in the laboratory. The goal... Bygningsdesign Bygningskonstruktion Byggematerialer Polarforskning Klimatilpasning
05 MAR Knowledge of high-plasticity clays may prolong design life of structures Researchers at DTU Civil Engineering are testing high-plasticity clays from the seabed under the Fehmarn Belt and exploring new methods for treating them. Byggeri Klimateknologi Geologi
01 FEB Earth’s permafrost is sweating Globally, the temperature of permafrost on Earth has risen 0.3 degrees Celsius in the last decade; and the temperature keeps rising, shows the first comprehensive study... Geologi Kortlægning og opmåling Klimaændringer Kyster og havne Klimatilpasning
22 NOV Photo competition 2018 winner Congratulations to DTU master student of Civil Engineering Mateusz Beyrowski. He is the winner of DTU Civil Engineering’s photo competition 2018 - with the best illustration... Brokonstruktion