Energy Efficient IAQ Management in Residential Buildings


Energy Efficient IAQ Management in Residential Buildings


14. dec 2022 09:00 - 10:30




DTU Construct


Energy Efficient IAQ Management in Residential Buildings

Indoor air quality in residencies gains increased attention in connection to recent trend in substantial building renovation to reduce CO2 emissions as well as challenges related to Covid-19 pandemic.

IEA EBC Annex 86 - Energy Efficient IAQ Management in Residential Buildings ( focuses on development of an integrated rating method for the performance assessment and optimization of energy efficient strategies of managing the indoor air quality (IAQ) in new and existing residential buildings.

Researchers* from DTU Construct and DTU Sustain will present the current work conducted in the project.

The workshop is aimed at designers/consultants, policy makers, regulatory and standardization bodies, public authorities as well as researchers and environmental health professionals.

Participation is free of charge.

*Danish contributions are supported by the Danish Energy Agency through the EUDP.


09.00 Welcome by Jakub Kolarik, Associate Professor, DTU Construct
09.05 Health based metric for evaluation of IAQ by Pawel Wargocki, Associate Professor, DTU Sustain
09.25 Smart materials for improvement of IAQ by Menghao Qin, Associate Professor, DTU Sustain
09.45 Ensuring performance of smart ventilation by Jakub Kolarik, Associate Professor, DTU Construct
10.05 Discussion – What is needed to ensure high IAQ in Danish residencies? Do we need new performance indicators? Moderator - Professor Carsten Rode, DTU Sustain
10.30 End of webinar


Jakub Kolarik

Jakub Kolarik Associate Professor Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering