Stig Staghøj Knudsen receives the DANSIS Graduate Award 2014

Skibe og off-shore-konstruktioner Byggeri

The award is granted for the thesis "Sail Shape Optimization with CFD" by the committee of DANSIS, Danish Society for Industrial Fluid Dynamics. Stig Staghøj Knudsen is a graduate from DTU Mechanical Engineering. 

The thesis is examining the design of sailboat sails which is of great interest in the world of yacht racing. The purpose is to find a way to optimize the design of sailboat sails through the use of simulation based design. An X‐40 sailboat from X‐Yachts is used as test boat for the optimization with a set of sails designed by North Sails DK as baseline.

A Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model is used for simulating both aero- and hydrodynamic forces and the movements of the boat.

Stig Staghøj Knudsen has recently presented his thesis at the DANSIS seminar "New Trends in CFD 2".

DANSIS, the Danish Society for Industrial Fluid Dynamics (Dansk Selskab for Industriel Strømningsmekanik) is a Danish company and networking organization based on industry research requirements and development within the area of fluid mechanics.

Stig Staghøj Knudsen (right) receives the DANSIS Graduate Award 2014 from
Knud Erik Meyer (left), chairman of DANSIS. Photographer Michael Bo Hansen.