Matteo Calaon new innovation responsible

Innovation og produktudvikling Entreprenørskab
This summer, researcher Matteo Calaon was appointed innovation responsible at DTU Mechanical Engineering. The innovation responsible supports a wide variety of activities related to new inventions and patents applications, and also coordinates activities between researchers, students and DTU main administration.

“Future innovation activities will work towards consolidating and foster industrial collaboration at all levels improving technological commercialization of ongoing research projects with external entrepreneur to promote high-tech spin out companies,” tells Matteo Calaon.

“We will stimulate early engagement of research by promoting networking activities with the aim to increase awareness of the ongoing research projects at DTU Mechanical Engineering. By doing this, the long-term goal is to stimulate the formation of cross-functional teams throughout the department operating as a network-like structure devoted to design and implementation of new internal projects. The network system will be optimized over time through the implementation of different pilot projects before becoming a powerful accelerating force towards incremental innovation.”

The use of patents is an important part of the process of creating new spin outs in close collaborations with the industry, as the new innovation responsible tells:

“Timely implementation of patenting processes for the commercialization phase of future research works will potentially renew and improve problem solving in the working practices. Innovation is also seen as establishment of student projects in partnership with industry to promote commercialization of innovation towards satisfaction of societal needs by means of product/technology development.”

Matteo Calaon’ s own research areas cover precision manufacturing for final polymer micro and nano structures replication, process chain characterization and calibration for advanced manufacturing through surfaces and dimensional metrology, design and product development oriented to industrial production. His focus is also on applying micro and nano-metrology to advanced manufacturing to provide traceable measuring methodologies and calibration services into the industrial production environments.

Matteo Calaon has been at the department since he achieved his PhD in 2014. His thesis has the title “Process chain validation in micro and nano replication”. From 2014 to – 16 he was post doc at DTU Mechanical Engineering, where he is currently working as researcher. Since 2016 Matteo Calaon is attending  the Executive Master of Business Administration and Management of Technology at DTU. He is teaching on the course “Design of plastic products” and supervising several PhD- and student projects.

The researcher is currently involved as project technical manager in the EU Horizon 2020 Marie-Curie MICROMAN European Training Network on “Process Fingerprint for Zero-defect Net-shape manufacturing”. From January 2018 he will be principal investigator in the EU Horizon 2020 project, ProSurf : New product functionalities through advanced surface manufacturing processes for mass production.