Fredrik Herland Andersen frpm DTU Mechanical Engineering defends his PhD, "Integrated Analysis of the Scavenging Process in Marine Two-Stroke Diesel Engines" Friday, 18th December 2015, at 14:00. The defence takes place in Auditorium 74, Building 421, at the Technical University of Denmark. Professor Jens Honore Walther, DTU, is principal supervisor and Dr. Stefan Mayer from MAN Diesel & Turbo is co supervisor.
Large commercial ships such as container vessels and bulk carriers are propelled by low-speed, uniow scavenged two-stroke diesel engines. An integral in-cylinder process in this type of engine is the scavenging process, where the burned gases from the combustion process are evacuated through the exhaust valve and replaced with fresh air for the subsequent compression stroke. The scavenging air enters the cylinder via inlet ports which are uncovered by the
piston at bottom dead center (BDC). The exhaust gases are then displaced by
the fresh air entering the cylinder. The scavenging ports are cut with an angle
to introduce a swirling component to the ow.
The in-cylinder swirl is benecial
for air-fuel mixture, cooling of the cylinder liner and minimizing recirculation
zones where pockets of exhaust gas are trapped. However, a known characteristic
of swirling ows is an adverse pressure gradient in the center of the ow,
which might lead to a local decit in axial velocity and the formation of central recirculation zones, known as vortex breakdown.
Ever more stringent emission legislations over the last 10-15 years have
changed the engine lay out diagram in the pursuit of an engine which is both
fuel eective and within the current emission legislations.
To achieve this goal, a
fundamental understanding of the in-cylinder processes, and the interactions between
them are needed. This thesis aims at providing in-depth knowledge of the
scavenging process and to identify the parameters that governs its performance.
This thesis will present a CFD model that is tested and validated with quantitative
data obtained from a dedicated test engine and during engine commissioning
on location at the shipbuilder. The CFD model comprises the full geometry
of a single cylinder from scavenge receiver to the exhaust receiver for
a two-stroke diesel engine. Time resolved boundary conditions corresponding
to measurements obtained from an operating engine as well as realistic initial
conditions are used in the simulations.
The CFD model provides a detailed description
of the in-cylinder ow from exhaust valve opening (EVO) to exhaust
valve closing (EVC).
A string of studies are included in this thesis. An engine load sweep is
included to evaluate the scavenging process as function of engine load. The engine
load sweep follows the propeller curve, where the engine speed varies with
the engine load. This implies that the pressure in the scavenge and exhaust
receivers increase while the scavenge port exposure time, tscav, decrease. Further
the scavenging pressure is varied while the engine speed is kept constant.
From the perspective of the scavenging process this will resemble a load sweep
following a generator curve. The scavenge port angle is varied to investigate
the inuence of in-cylinder swirl. A total of 7 port angles is applied; 𝛼=0𝑜, 𝛼=10𝑜, 𝛼=15𝑜, 𝛼=18𝑜, 𝛼=20𝑜, 𝛼=25𝑜 and 𝛼=30𝑜.
The CFD analysis shows that the bulk purity of air in the cylinder is proportional
to the volumetric ow rate (mass ow rate divided by the air density)
of scavenge air through the cylinder. The volumetric ow rate decreases with
density for a given mass ow rate. When the engine load is increased, both the
mass ow rate and the scavenging pressure is increased due to the turbocharger
response. It is shown in this thesis that the increased density of the scavenge
air, in conjunction with the reduced port exposure time, actually decrease the
volume ow rate of air in the cylinders.
This impairs the scavenging process
at high engine loads. The CFD model also shows that the scavenging process
consist of two sub processes. The volumetric scavenging, where the scavenge air
displace the exhaust gas. And the push out process, where the piston displace
the scavenge air and exhaust gas mixture between inlet port closing, IPC, and
exhaust valve closing, EVC. The port angle study shows that the scavenging
process is unaected by the changes in the in-cylinder swirl. Visualization of a
passive scalar shows some inuence of the in-cylinder distribution of scavenge
air and exhaust gas, but volumetric displacement is the prime mover in the
scavenging process.
The CFD simulations is in good agreement with a simple perfect displacement
model proposed by Sher (1990). The perfect displacement model is used
as the basis for a simplied scavenging model in conjunction with a model to
predict the contribution from the push out process. The model is modied to the CFD results to account for mixing between the scavenge air and the exhaust
gas and can therefore only be considered as a preliminary model. However, this
model shows that it is possible to obtain a simple model witch can be used to
ensure adequate scavenging based on turbocharger characteristics and exhaust
valve lift proles.
The CFD model described in this Ph.D. thesis is used to investigate the
response of key parameters on the scavenging process and gives detailed and
profound insight to an integral in-cylinder process in the two-stroke diesel engine
cycle. Further, the results from the CFD model is a valuable part of the R&D
strategy of "full cycle CFD modelling" where the scavenging CFD model shall
be coupled together with a combustion CFD model to simulate the complete
engine cycle.