From 1998 to 2001 an integrated software package for grounding and collision analysis was developed at the Technical University of Denmark within the ISESO project at the cost of six man years. The software provides a toolbox for a multitude of analyses related to collision and grounding accidents. The software consists of three basic analysis modules and one risk mitigation module: 1) frequency, 2) damage, and 3) consequence.

These modules can be used individually or in series and the analyses can be performed in deterministic or probabilistic mode. Finally, in the mitigation module risk profiles for the calculated consequences can be calculated and compared to alternative solutions by assignment of a cost function to the consequences. Thus, the possible analyses range from a deterministic crash analysis to a comparative risk analysis of two vessels operating on a specified route where the result is the probability density functions for the cost of oil outflow in a given area per year for the two vessels.

The paper: P. Friis Hansen and B. Cerup Simonsen. "GRACAT: Software for grounding and collision analysis". Journal of Marine Structures, Special issue on Ship Collision and Grounding. Vol. 15, No. 4-5 July-October 2002. pp. 383-402 describes the basic modelling principles and the capabilities of the software package.

The computer program GRACAT is available for downloading HERE (zip file 5MB). The program is written in C++ for Windows 2000 and NT. The program is free of charge. There is no installation or user support on the system. All use of the system is on your own risk. 

Download a copy of the User Manual.